Love love this! Yes to a sunscreen post

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Well I can only do one if you do it shortly before... 😂

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Mar 27Liked by Natalie | mySkinterest

I always love posts like this! So fun to see how everyone says organized. One of my gotos is a portable iPhone charger, I seem to always be low on battery.

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Anker makes the best ones!! Mine lives in my work bag, though thankfully I'm always near some sort of plug so I'm rarely running low on battery. Curious what makeup products you bring with you on the go (though I imagine everything has been moved around to make room for extra Fitz treats)?

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Mar 26Liked by Natalie | mySkinterest

I love peeks inside handbags. Thanks for sharing your essentials. So many great finds.

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Ah, Sarah - I am gushing, I adore your Substack and am so struck that you read this post! Thank you endlessly for your kind words 🤍

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Mar 27Liked by Natalie | mySkinterest

Ahh! Thanks for the sweet note. I love your posts.

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