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Hi, my name is Natalie. Welcome to myMusings, a meticulously curated newsletter about skincare, beauty and everything in-between. If you haven’t already, I invite you to subscribe.

myMusings is my personal love letter to my favorite beautiful things, new-to-me discoveries, magical misadventures and other miscellaneous delights — with more detail than I can squeeze into an Instagram Story or caption. Dedicated to skincare and beauty, with a splash of fashion and a hint of lifestyle, each post is like a diary entry about my favorite things, a detailed journey down whatever rabbit hole I’ve gotten myself into, an essay dedicated to everything I love and the topics keeping me up at night.

This newsletter will help you find your next obsession, even if it’s not trending on social media. Whether you're a skincare savant, a beauty aficionado, a hair care connoisseur, a trendsetter looking for something new to add to your beauty routine or just dipping your toes into the world of the Skincare Cinematic Universe, myMusings is for you.

How It Works.

I’ve gotten to a point where I approach new skincare products with the challenge: try to impress me. Most of them fall short — I have very high standards. I’ve tried a lot of skincare products and generally speaking, I know what I like pretty quickly. If I don’t love a product, I absolutely won’t recommend it — but I will tell you all the reasons why and what I think is better based on my experience. You’ll never see me promote something on here or anywhere that I don’t love.

When you subscribe to myMusings, you get a front row seat to my unfiltered, candid thoughts on the products I’ve relied on for years, the latest finds I’m testing, researching and discovering along with you. Each installment is different. Some include juicy details about my own routines, in-depth reviews, curated roundups of goodness, uncredentialed advice based on my personal experience, bits of fashion, what’s keeping me up at night, guest appearances and so much more.

Our community is made better by you. Please, don’t be shy and share this newsletter with anyone you think would like it too. Comment. Send me an email. DM me on Instagram — let’s chat.


If you haven’t already, I invite you to subscribe here and consider becoming a paid subscriber. Think of it like a tip jar of sorts and a way to let me know you enjoy this newsletter and that someone other than my mom is following along. When you subscribe to myMusings, you don’t have to worry about missing a thing.

Subscribe to have each edition of myMusings sent directly to your inbox — I publish new installments once a week (more or less). You can access the latest posts as well as the ever-expanding archive here. Your continued support goes right back into bringing you more of myMusings.


My name is Natalie and I’m a millennial, a beauty enthusiast and I have a lot of strongly held opinions on everything. I have high standards (and not just when it comes to beauty), elaborate and unnecessarily lengthy skincare routines, an obsession with sunscreen and I try a lot of skincare, makeup, body care, hair care products, devices and everything in-between. After nearly a decade in New York City, I’m currently exploring another city on the East Coast — cue mid-life crisis.

As this is a newsletter about all things skincare and beauty, it’s important to keep in mind my skin type, environment, priorities and experience. My skin is akin to an arid climate in a record-breaking drought, which is to say I have incredibly dry skin. My skin isn’t sensitive, I’m not acne-prone and I don’t struggle with skin texture (anymore). I also regularly get Botox to make my forehead move as little as possible. Try not to take me too seriously.

I post daily content on Instagram, and I encourage you to follow me there. All of my favorite things, along with discount codes are linked below. You can also find these and other discount codes on the righthand side of the myMusings homepage.

Shop & Save On My Favorite Things


Please note, I am an enthusiast, not an expert. I am not a dermatologist, doctor, licensed esthetician or credentialed expert of any kind. The opinions shared are my own. They not intended to and should not be perceived as medical advice. When in doubt, consult a physician you trust. I can only speak to my personal experience, which is purely anecdotal, and what works for me may not work for you and that’s okay.

This publication contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission for purchases made through those links (at no cost to you).

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mySkinterest, mySubstack. myMusings is a newsletter about skincare, beauty and everything in-between.


Your friend with dry skin. Beauty enthusiast. Cat person.